Implement Windows containers

  • 10/6/2017

Thought experiment

In this thought experiment, demonstrate your skills and knowledge of the topics covered in this chapter. You can find answer to this thought experiment in the next section.

Ralph wants to create a virtual machine called Core1 that functions as a container host for both Windows Server and Hyper-V containers. To create the container host, he plans to perform the following tasks:

  • Create a virtual machine.

  • Configure the virtual machine with 4 GB of memory, two virtual processors, and MAC address spoofing enabled.

  • Install Windows Server 2016 on the virtual machine.

  • Install the Containers feature.

  • Install the Hyper-V role.

  • Install the dockermsftprovider module.

  • Install the Docker package.

  • Pull the Server Core image from DockerHub.

  • Create containers using the Docker Run command.

What step has Ralph forgotten, that prevents him from creating the containers he needs? What task must he perform to complete his plan, and when should he complete it?