Add Sound and Movement to Slides in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016
- 1/25/2016
Practice tasks

The practice files for these tasks are located in the PowerPoint2016SBS\Ch08 folder. You can save the results of the tasks in the same folder.
Animate text and pictures on slides
Open the AnimateSlides presentation, and then perform the following tasks:
- On slide 1, apply the Shape entrance animation to the slide title and then to the subtitle. Notice that the animation numbers 1 and 2 appear to the left of the animated objects.
- Display slide 2, and apply the Shape entrance animation to the left content placeholder. Notice that boxes containing the numbers 1 through 3 appear to the left of the bullet points to indicate the order of their animations.
- Repeat task 2 for the placeholder on the right.
- Preview all the animations on slide 2.
- Display slide 3. Apply the Shape entrance animation to the frog photo, and then add the Pulse emphasis animation.
- Copy the animations from the frog photo to the crow photo and to the cat photo.
- Preview the animations on the slide, and then preview the entire presentation.
- Return to Normal view.
- Save and close the presentation.
Customize animation effects
Open the CustomizeAnimations presentation, and then perform the following tasks:
- On slide 1, apply the Diamond entrance effect to the slide title. Set the direction to Out.
- Copy the animation from the slide title to the subtitle. Then change the timing of the subtitle animation to After Previous.
- Switch to Reading view, and preview the animation effects on slide 1.
- Switch back to Normal view, display slide 2, and then click anywhere in the bulleted list on the left.
- Display the Animation Pane. Right-click animation 1, and then click Effect Options to open the Circle dialog box.
In the Circle dialog box, do the following:
- Apply the Chime sound.
- Dim the text color to Red after the animation.
- Animate the text by letter.
- Set the duration to 3 seconds (Slow).
Watch the effects of your changes to the animation effects.
The Shape animation doesn’t work very well with the selected effect options, so let’s adjust them.
- On the slide, click the left content placeholder. Notice that in the Animation Pane, all the animations for the bullet points in the placeholder are selected.
- Apply the Float In entrance animation to the entire placeholder, and then display the effect options.
In the Float Up dialog box, do the following:
- Apply the Chime sound.
- Dim the text color to Red after the animation.
- Animate text by letter.
- Set the duration to 1 seconds (Fast).
- Preview the animations, and make any additional adjustments you want to your custom animation effects.
- Copy the animation effects of the bullet points on the left to those on the right.
- Switch to Reading view, and then click the Next button to display the animated bullet points on slide 2.
- When all the bullet points are visible and dimmed to red, press the Esc key to return to Normal view.
- Save and close the presentation.
Add audio content to slides
Open the AddAudio presentation, display slide 1, and then perform the following tasks:
- On the Insert tab, in the Media group, click the Audio button, and then click Audio on My PC to open the Insert Audio dialog box.
- In the Insert Audio dialog box, browse to the practice file folder, and double-click the SoundTrack file to insert the audio clip on the slide.
- On the Playback tool tab, in the Audio Options group, change the Start setting to Automatically. Then select the Play Across Slides, Loop until Stopped, and Hide During Show check boxes.
- Switch to Reading view, and listen to the audio file as the presentation moves from slide to slide.
- Press Esc to stop the presentation and return to Normal view.
- Save and close the presentation.
Add video content to slides
Open the AddVideo presentation, and then perform the following tasks:
- In the left content placeholder, insert the Butterfly video from the practice file folder.
- On the playback toolbar, click the Play/Pause button, and then watch the video.
- Insert the Wildlife video from the practice file folder into the content placeholder on the right, and then play the video.
- With the Wildlife video selected, open the Trim Video dialog box, and drag the green start marker until it sits at about the 00:17.020 mark. Then, frame-by-frame, adjust the starting point until the first marmot frame comes into view at about the 00:17.292 mark.
- Drag the red stop marker until it sits at about the 00:20.900 mark. Then, frame-by-frame, adjust the ending point until the last marmot frame comes into view at about the 00:20.790 mark.
- Play the trimmed video, and then click OK to close the Trim Video dialog box.
- Change the height of the Butterfly video representation to 3”.
- Change the height of the Wildlife video representation to 3”, and then crop it to a width of 4”.
- Drag the video representations until they are evenly spaced on the slide and center-aligned with each other.
- Apply the Reflected Bevel, Black (in the Intense area of the Video Styles gallery) video style to both video objects.
- Set up the Butterfly video to play back on mute, to start automatically, and to loop until stopped.
- Set up the Wildlife video to play back on mute, to start on click, and to loop until stopped.
- Preview and pause the Butterfly video. Then preview and pause the Wildlife video.
- Return to Normal view.
- Save and close the presentation.
Compress media to decrease file size
There are no practice tasks for this topic.
Add and manage slide transitions
Open the AddTransitions presentation, and then perform the following tasks:
- Display slide 2 in Normal view.
- Apply the Cover transition effect (from the Subtle category) to the slide.
- Configure the transition effect options so that the transition starts from the upper-left corner of the slide.
- Apply the configured slide transition to all slides in the presentation.
- In the Thumbnails pane, display the effect of the Cover transition from slide 2 to slide 3.
- Remove the transition from slide 1.
- Preview the slide show and notice the transitions. When you exit the slide show, switch to Slide Sorter view.
- Select all the slides that have transitions (slides 2 through 7), add the Wind sound effect to the transition, and then set the duration of the transition effect to 1.75 seconds.
- Preview the transition effect on one slide.
- Save and close the presentation.