Provision SharePoint Online Site Collections

  • 9/5/2015


This section contains the solutions to the thought experiments and answers to the objective review questions in this chapter.

Objective 2.1: Thought experiment

  1. Change the sharing settings at the SharePoint Online tenancy level.
  2. It will be necessary to modify the sharing settings of each site collection to remove the external user’s access.

Objective 2.1: Review

  1. Correct answer: A

    1. Correct: An invitation to access shared content sent to an external user from an Office 365 SharePoint site collection remains valid for 7 days.
    2. Incorrect: An invitation to access shared content sent to an external user from an Office 365 SharePoint site collection remains valid for 7 rather than 14 days.
    3. Incorrect: An invitation to access shared content sent to an external user from an Office 365 SharePoint site collection remains valid for 7 rather than 21 days.
    4. Incorrect: An invitation to access shared content sent to an external user from an Office 365 SharePoint site collection remains valid for 7 rather than 28 days.
  2. Correct answer: B

    1. Incorrect: This will block all sharing in all site collections in the tenancy.
    2. Correct: This will only allow sharing to be performed with authenticated users in all site collections.
    3. Incorrect: While this will accomplish the overall goal of requiring all external users to authenticate to access shared content, it will not do so with a minimum amount of administrative effort.
    4. Incorrect: This will block sharing of all content in each site collection.
  3. Correct answers: A and D

    1. Correct: You must enable the ability to use anonymous guest links at both the tenancy level and the site collection level to allow anonymous access to documents hosted within that site collection.
    2. Incorrect: Configuring this option at the site collection level would block users from sending anonymous links.
    3. Incorrect: Configuring this option at the tenancy level will block the option for allowing anonymous links at the site collection level.
    4. Correct: You must enable the ability to use anonymous guest links at both the tenancy level and the site collection level to allow anonymous access to documents hosted within that site collection.
  4. Correct answers: A and C

    1. Correct: To allow users to send anonymous links in other site collections, this option needs to be configured.
    2. Incorrect: This option will block anonymous links in other site collections.
    3. Correct: This option will block anonymous links for the specific site collection.
    4. Incorrect: This option will allow anonymous links for the specific site collection.
  5. Correct answer: D

    1. Incorrect: While this will accomplish the goal, it will not do so with a minimum amount of administrative effort. Performing this task at the tenancy level will apply this setting across all site collections.
    2. Incorrect: This will allow sharing of content to people external to your organization who have Microsoft accounts.
    3. Incorrect: This will allow sharing of content to people external to your organization who have Microsoft accounts as well as to anonymous people.
    4. Correct: Configuring this setting at the SharePoint Online tenancy level will block sharing at the site collection and document levels.

Objective 2.2: Thought experiment

  1. Microsoft support can recover site collections up to 14 days after being removed from the Recycle Bin.
  2. You need to remove the site from the Recycle Bin, as site collection URLs must be unique.

Objective 2.2: Review

  1. Correct answer: C

    1. Incorrect: The amount of storage space allocated uses the formula 10 GB plus 500 MB per user. This would mean that 30 GB, rather than 10 GB, will be available.
    2. Incorrect: The amount of storage space allocated uses the formula 10 GB plus 500 MB per user. This would mean that 30 GB, rather than 20 GB, will be available.
    3. Correct: The amount of storage space allocated uses the formula 10 GB plus 500 MB per user. This would mean that 30 GB will be available.
    4. Incorrect: The amount of storage space allocated uses the formula 10 GB plus 500 MB per user. This would mean that 30 GB, rather than 40 GB, will be available.
  2. Correct answer: C

    1. Incorrect: The maximum amount of storage that can be allocated to an individual SharePoint Online site collection is 1 TB, not 100 GB.
    2. Incorrect: The maximum amount of storage that can be allocated to an individual SharePoint Online site collection is 1 TB, not 500 GB.
    3. Correct: The maximum amount of storage that can be allocated to an individual SharePoint Online site collection is 1 TB.
    4. Incorrect: The maximum amount of storage that can be allocated to an individual SharePoint Online site collection is 1 TB, not 5 TB.
  3. Correct answer: D

    1. Incorrect: You should configure the quota warning email threshold. Setting the quota to 48 GB will not notify you that 48 GB of a 50 GB quota has been consumed. It will simply limit the site collection storage to 48 GB.
    2. Incorrect: You should configure the quota warning email threshold. Setting the quota to 52 GB will not notify you that 48 GB of a 50 GB quota has been consumed. It will simply limit the site collection storage to 52 GB.
    3. Incorrect. Setting the email warning threshold to 48 percent will mean a notification will be sent when 24 GB of space is consumed, rather than 48 GB.
    4. Correct: You should set the quota alert email threshold to 96 percent. The quota is already set to 50 GB, so this will send an email when 48 GB has been consumed.
  4. Correct answer: D

    1. Incorrect: You can alter which users are assigned site collection administrator privileges after site collection creation.
    2. Incorrect: Storage Quota can be altered after site collection creation.
    3. Incorrect: Server Resource Quota can be altered after site collection creation.
    4. Correct: You cannot alter the primary language setting of a site collection after site collection creation.
  5. Correct answer: B

    1. Incorrect: Site collections remain in the Recycle Bin for 30 days, not 15 days.
    2. Correct: Site collections remain in the Recycle Bin for 30 days.
    3. Incorrect: Site collections remain in the Recycle Bin for 30 days, not 60 days.
    4. Incorrect: While some older documentation might suggest that site collections remain in the Recycle Bin for 90 days, the figure listed in current documentation and in the actual SharePoint Online interface is 30 days.
  6. Correct answers: A, B, and C

    1. Correct: You cannot recover a site collection from the Recycle Bin if the resource quota has been exceeded.
    2. Correct: You cannot recover a site collection from the Recycle Bin if the storage quota has been exceeded.
    3. Correct: You will be unable to recover a site collection from the Recycle Bin that was deleted more than 50 days ago.
    4. Incorrect: You will be able to recover a site collection that was deleted less than 20 days ago assuming that usage quotas and storage quotas have not been exceeded.
  7. Correct answer: B

    1. Incorrect: Only 1 primary site collection administrator, rather than 5, can be assigned to a site collection.
    2. Correct: Only 1 primary site collection administrator can be assigned to a site collection.
    3. Incorrect: Only 1 primary site collection administrator, rather than 2, can be assigned to a site collection.
    4. Incorrect: Only 1 primary site collection administrator, rather than 10, can be assigned to a site collection.
  8. Correct answer: B

    1. Incorrect: A storage quota restricts how much storage space a site collection can consume, not how much of the server resources in terms of RAM and CPU it can consume.
    2. Correct: A resource quota allows you to restrict how much RAM and CPU resources a specific site collection can consume.
    3. Incorrect: Assigning a user as a site collection administrator will not ensure that a specific site collection does not consume all of the RAM and CPU resources available to the tenancy.
    4. Incorrect: While purchasing additional user licenses will increase the overall server resource quota, it will not stop a specific site collection from consuming all those resources.

Objective 2.3: Thought experiment

  1. You use the Monitor Apps section to determine application usage and review errors.
  2. You use the Manage Licenses section to view SharePoint app license utilization.
  3. You use the App Permissions section to configure which apps can access the SharePoint Online tenant.

Objective 2.3: Review

  1. Correct answer: D

    1. Incorrect: Collaboration can function when the major versions versioning functionality is disabled.
    2. Incorrect: Collaboration can function when the major versions versioning functionality is enabled.
    3. Incorrect: Minor versioning allows previous versions of documents to be restored, but does not block collaboration.
    4. Correct: If users check out files when opened, other users will not be able to collaborate on that file until the file is closed.
  2. Correct answer: C

    1. Incorrect: While this will function, it would take an extraordinary amount of effort to perform this task for each user’s OneDrive for Business site collection.
    2. Incorrect: This would allow sharing with external users with Microsoft or Office 365 accounts. It would also require extraordinary effort to perform this task for each user’s OneDrive for Business site collection.
    3. Correct: Configuring this option at the SharePoint Online tenancy level would accomplish your goal with a minimum of administrative effort.
    4. Incorrect: This would allow sharing with external users with Microsoft or Office 365 accounts.
  3. Correct answer: A

    1. Correct: This would allow sharing with external users with Microsoft or Office 365 accounts.
    2. Incorrect: Configuring this option at the SharePoint Online tenancy level would block users from sharing documents with users that had Microsoft or Office 365 accounts.
    3. Incorrect: While this would work, it would also require extraordinary effort to perform this task for each user’s OneDrive for Business site collection.
    4. Incorrect: This option would block sharing with external users. It would also take an extraordinary amount of effort to perform this task for each user’s OneDrive for Business site collection.