Extend Microsoft Access Applications to the Cloud: Creating a Blank Web App and Using Templates
- 2/9/2015
Editing the design of a table
When viewing the Table Selector, you can choose from one of two methods to quickly switch a table into design view to change the table structure. You can double-click on the table caption in the Table Selector. Or you can click once on the table caption, either right-click on the table or directly click on the Settings/Actions charm, and then choose Edit Table, as shown in Figure 4-8. You could also display the navigation pane and double-click or right-click on a table.
FIGURE 4-8 Opening a table in Design view.
Make the following name changes to the primary and foreign keys in the tables, and save your changes.
TABLE 4-1 Changes for the primary and foreign keys
Table Name |
Old Field Name |
New Field Name |
Orders |
ID |
OrderID |
Customer (Lookup) |
CustomerID |
Employee (Lookup) |
EmployeeID |
Customers |
ID |
CustomerID |
Employees |
ID |
EmployeeID |
Products |
ID |
ProductID |
Supplier (Lookup) |
SupplierID |
Category (Lookup) |
CategoryID |
Suppliers |
ID |
SupplierID |
Categories |
ID |
CategoryID |
Order Details |
ID |
OrderDetailsID |
Product (Lookup) |
ProductID |
Order (Lookup) |
OrderID |
As you are going through this, you can also change the captions on the foreign keys and primary keys—for example, change ProductID to Product. That has not been done for the example used in this chapter.
If you look at Figure 4-9, you will see how the web app has altered all views to reflect the changes you made to the field names—in this case, OrderID and ProductID in the Order Details table.
FIGURE 4-9 Automatic updates to the design of the quickly created views.