Working with Special Content in Word

  • 6/24/2010

Finalizing Your Document

Word 2010 includes a Document Inspector that helps you assess your document before you send it to ensure that you aren’t including any sensitive information—personal or business—that should stay inside the company. Additionally, the Document Inspector can help you prepare the file for distribution and ensure that it isn’t edited against your wishes.

Prepare Your Document

  1. With your document completed and saved, click the File tab.

  2. In Backstage view, in the Prepare For Sharing area, click Check For Issues.

  3. In the Document Inspector dialog box, clear the check boxes for the items you want to keep in the document and select the check boxes for the items you don’t want to appear in the document.

  4. Click the Inspect button at the bottom of the dialog box.

  5. In the Document Inspector dialog box, click the Remove All button for each type of item you want to remove.

  6. Click Close when you’ve finished.
