Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Business Intelligence Development and Maintenance: Developing SSRS Reports

  • 4/15/2009

Chapter Summary

  • Use the Report Server Project Wizard to create a new project and automatically start the Report Wizard to generate the first SSRS report. Then, use the Report Wizard to generate other reports. Use the Report Designer to enhance your reports and increase their functionality.

  • Drag new items onto the Report Designer Design tab to add new report items, and use the Properties window to customize existing items.

  • Use datasets to include more than one stream of data in your report.

  • Hide columns and use the toggle properties to add interactivity to your report. Reduce the amount of information offered to the user at the beginning of the report, and let users expand and investigate areas they are interested in.

  • Use groupings in Tablix data regions to summarize information by categories. You can also use multiple data regions.