Advanced Diagnostic Tools in Windows 7

  • 10/25/2010

Using the Windows 7 Performance Tools

The performance tools in Windows 7 offer some extremely advanced information that may be primarily used by IT professionals, either remotely or when accessing the PC directly, but that are of use to anyone working with diagnosing and repairing problems on a PC. One of the most useful functions of these tools is their ability to quickly display a huge amount of data about your PC, your copy of Windows, and your hardware.

They are especially useful because of the different ways they can present this information and the different levels of detail they goes into depending on your requirements. For most of your troubleshooting needs, the Event Log will suffice. If you’re going to a third party for additional help or guidance or if you’re helping someone else, a system health report might be required.

Take Time to Step Back

Sometimes the best troubleshooting tool isn’t built into the system. If you’re stuck on a troubleshooting problem that you just can’t figure out, I would advise you to step away from your computer. Take a break, maybe even a day, and come back to the problem with a clear mind. I’ve found that if I keep staring at a PC screen trying to figure out or fix a challenging problem, my mind can become muddled and I can tend to miss things that I would normally catch. If you (or your company) can’t justify such a respite, try reading some of the reports you generated with Performance Information and Tools offline. The reports that the Advanced Performance Information and Tools utilities can provide make for excellent reading when you’re away from your PC and can’t be tempted to try quick fixes. This can give you time to digest a problem and read the logs thoroughly.