Viewing Pictures and Video in Windows 8.1

  • 11/15/2013

Playing a personal video

There are two things you can do with the Video app: You can view your personal videos, or you can purchase or rent, and then view, professional ones. Here you’ll play a personal video. The Video app offers several controls for managing playback after you’ve started it, including play, pause, stop, fast forward, and rewind. You’ll need to have personal videos on your computer in the Videos folder to work through this set of steps.

Play a video

  1. In the Video app, scroll left to view your personal videos.

  2. Click any video to play.

  3. Right-click the screen to access the playback options.

  4. Click Volume.

  5. Use the slider to change the volume.

  6. Click Pause.

  7. Click Play.

  8. Click outside these controls to hide them.

  9. Move your cursor to access the on-screen controls.

  10. Drag the circle on the scrub bar to move quickly backward and forward through the video.

  11. Click Pause.

  12. Click the Back button to return to the previous view.