Exploring Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007

  • 1/3/2007

Saving a Presentation

When you create a new presentation, it exists only in your computer’s memory until you save it. You save a presentation the first time by clicking the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar or by clicking the Microsoft Office Button and then clicking Save. Either action opens the Save As dialog box, where you can assign a name and storage location.

If you want to save the document in a folder other than the one shown in the Address bar, you can click the chevrons to the left of the current folder name and then navigate to the folder you want. You can also click Browse Folders to display the Navigation Pane and a toolbar. If you want to create a new folder in which to store the file, you can click the New Folder button on this toolbar.

After you save a presentation for the first time, you can save changes simply by clicking the Save button. The new version of the presentation then overwrites the previous version. If you want to keep both the new version and the previous version, click Save As on the Office menu and then save a new version with a different name in the same location or with the same name in a different location. (You cannot have two files with the same name in the same folder.)

In this exercise, you will create a presentation and save it in a new folder. Then you will save the same presentation with the same name in a different folder. There are no practice files for this exercise.

  1. Click the Microsoft Office Button, click New, and then in the New Presentation window, double-click Blank Presentation.

    PowerPoint opens a new, blank presentation containing only a title slide.

  2. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click the Save button.

    The Save As dialog box opens, with the folder you last used in the Save As or Open dialog box in the Address bar.

  3. If the Address bar does not display Exploring, navigate to that folder now.

  4. If the Navigation Pane and toolbar are not displayed, click Browse Folders.

  5. On the toolbar, click the New Folder button.

  6. A folder named New Folder appears, with the name selected for editing.6

  7. Type My Presentations, and then press

    My Presentations is now the current folder in the Save As dialog box.

  8. In the File name box, click the existing entry, and then type My Presentation.

  9. Click Save to save the My Presentation file in the My Presentations folder.

  10. Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Save As.

    The Save As dialog box opens, displaying the contents of the My Presentations folder.

  11. In the Address bar, click Exploring.

    The dialog box now displays the contents of the My Presentations folder’s parent folder, Exploring.

  12. Click Save.

    PowerPoint saves the My Presentation file in the Exploring folder. You have now saved two versions of the blank presentation with the same name, but in different folders.