Create and format notes in OneNote
- 2/17/2016
Practice tasks

The practice files for these tasks are located in the OneNoteSBS\Ch02 folder. The results of the tasks will be automatically saved into the same file in the same folder.
Create, cut, and copy notes
Open the CreateNotes section in OneNote, and then perform the following tasks:
- Add a new note to the page; the new note should contain a due date for the project plan to be submitted.
- Select and delete the existing text that reminds you to find out the due date for the project plan.
- Copy the text from the separate item that tells you to verify how delivery affects the next steps of the project, and paste it into the note you created in step 1.
Apply text formatting to notes
Open the FormatNotes section in OneNote, and then perform the following tasks:
- Apply the Heading 1 style to the first line of text in the note.
- Apply bold and red font color formatting to the word Important.
- Apply italic formatting to the word statistical.
- Highlight the words by the end of the week by using the highlight color of your choice.
Create lists and outlines
Open the CreateLists section in OneNote, and then perform the following tasks:
- Format the list on the left side of the page as a numbered list.
- Format the list on the right side of the page as a bulleted list.
- In the numbered list, move the items marked 6 and 7 to the second level of the numbered list by indenting their lines.
- Change the style of bullets used for the bulleted list.
- By dragging its item indicator, move the Test with water and target liquid item from the bulleted list to the bottom of the numbered list.
Change paragraph formatting
Open the FormatParagraphs section in OneNote, and then perform the following tasks:
- Center the header at the top of the note.
- Reposition the indented item so it is in line with the items around it.
- Select the Process Steps header and apply paragraph formatting so there are 10 points of white space after the text.
- Select the remaining lines in the note and apply paragraph formatting so each line takes up at least 18 points of space.
Delete formatting and items
Open the DeleteFormatting section in OneNote, and then perform the following tasks:
- Clear all formatting from all the items on the left side of the page.
- Delete the item titled Ideas on the right side of the page.