The VertiPaq Engine in DAX
- 11/3/2015
Understanding VertiPaq compression
In the previous section, you learned that VertiPaq stores each column in a separate data structure. This simple fact allows the engine to implement some extremely important compressions and encoding that you are about to learn in this section.
VertiPaq compression algorithms aim to reduce the memory footprint of your data model. Reducing the memory usage is a very important task for two very good reasons:
- A smaller model makes a better use of your hardware. Why spend money on 1 TB of RAM when the same model, once compressed, can be hosted in 256 GB? Saving RAM is always a good option, if feasible.
- A smaller model is faster to scan. As simple as this rule is, it is very important when speaking about performance. If a column is compressed, the engine will scan less RAM to read its content, resulting in better performance.
Understanding value encoding
Value encoding is the first kind of encoding that VertiPaq might use to reduce the memory of a column. Imagine you have a column containing the price of products, stored as integer values. The column contains many different values and, to represent all of them, you need a defined number of bits.
In the Figure 13-3 example, the maximum value of Unit Price is 216. Therefore, you need at least 8 bits to store each value. Nevertheless, by using a simple mathematical operation, you can reduce the storage to 5 bits.

FIGURE 13-3 By using simple mathematical operations, VertiPaq can reduce the number of bits needed for a column.
In the example, VertiPaq discovered that by subtracting the minimum value (194) from all the values of the column, it could modify the range of the column, reducing it to a range from 0 to 22. Storing numbers up to 22 requires less bits than storing numbers up to 216. While 3 bits might seem a very small saving, when you multiply this for a few billion rows, it is easy to see that the difference can be an important one.
The VertiPaq engine is much more sophisticated than this. It can discover mathematical relationships between the values of a column and, when it finds them, it can use them to modify the storage, reducing its memory footprint. Obviously, when using the column, it has to re-apply the transformation in the opposite direction to again obtain the original value (depending on the transformation, this can happen before or after aggregating the values). Again, this will increase the CPU usage and reduce the amount of reads, which, as we already discussed, is a very good option.
Value encoding happens only for integer columns because, obviously, it cannot be applied on strings or floating-point values. Please consider that VertiPaq stores the currency data type of DAX in an integer value.
Understanding dictionary encoding
Dictionary encoding is another technique used by VertiPaq to reduce the number of bits required to store a column. Dictionary encoding builds a dictionary of the distinct values of a column and then it replaces the column values with indexes to the dictionary. Let’s see this with an example. In Figure 13-4 you can see the Color column, which uses strings and, thus, cannot be value-encoded.

FIGURE 13-4 Dictionary encoding consists of building a dictionary and replacing values with indexes.
When VertiPaq encodes a column with dictionary encoding, it
- Builds a dictionary, containing the distinct values of the column.
- Replaces the column values with integer numbers, where each number is the dictionary index of the original value.
There are some advantages in using dictionary encoding:
- All columns contain only integer values; this makes it simpler to optimize the internal code of the engine. Moreover, it basically means that VertiPaq is datatype independent.
- The number of bits used to store a single value is the minimum number of bits necessary to store an index entry. In the example provided, having only four different values, 2 bits are sufficient.
These two aspects are of paramount importance for VertiPaq. It does not matter whether you use a string, a 64-bit integer, or a floating point to represent a value. All these datatypes will be dictionary encoded, providing the same performance, both in terms of speed of scanning and of storage space. The only difference might be in the size of the dictionary, which is typically very small when compared with the size of the column itself.
The primary factor to determine the column size is not the datatype, but it is the number of distinct values of the column. We refer to the number of distinct values of a column as its cardinality. Repeating a concept so important is always a good thing: Of all the various factors of an individual column, the most important one when designing a data model is its cardinality.
The lower the cardinality, the smaller the number of bits required to store a single value and, as a consequence, the smaller the memory footprint of the column. If a column is smaller, not only will it be possible to store more data in the same amount of RAM, but it will also be much faster to scan it whenever you need to aggregate its values in a DAX expression.
Understanding Run Length Encoding (RLE)
Dictionary encoding and value encoding are two very good alternative compression techniques. However, there is another complementary compression technique used by VertiPaq: Run Length Encoding (RLE). This technique aims to reduce the size of a dataset by avoiding repeated values. For example, consider a column containing the calendar quarter of a sale, stored in the Sales table. This column might have the string “Q1” repeated many times in contiguous rows, for all the sales in the same quarter. In such a case, VertiPaq avoids storing repeating values and replaces them with a slightly more complex structure that contains the value only once, with the number of contiguous rows having the same value, as you can see in Figure 13-5.

FIGURE 13-5 RLE replaces repeating values with the number of contiguous rows with the same value.
In Figure 13-5, you see Quarter, Start, and Count. In reality, Start is not required because VertiPaq can compute it by summing all the previous values of Count, again saving precious bytes of RAM.
RLE’s efficiency strongly depends on the repetition pattern of the column. Some columns will have the same value repeated for many rows, resulting in a great compression ratio. Some others, with quickly changing values, will produce a lower compression ratio. Sorting of data is extremely important in order to improve the compression ratio of RLE, as you will see later in this chapter.
Finally, you might have a column in which content changes so often that, if you try to compress it using RLE, you end up using more space than its original one. Think, for example, of the primary key of a table. It has a different value for each row, resulting in an RLE version larger than the column itself. In such a case, VertiPaq skips the RLE compression and stores the column as it is. Thus, the VertiPaq storage of a column will never exceed the original column size. At worst, it is the same.
In the example, we have shown RLE working on the Quarter column containing strings. In reality, RLE processes the already dictionary-encoded version of the column. In fact, each column can have both RLE and dictionary or value encoding. Therefore, the VertiPaq storage for a column compressed with dictionary encoding consists of two distinct entities: the dictionary and the data rows. The latter is the RLE-encoded result of the dictionary-encoded version of the original column, as you can see in Figure 13-6.

FIGURE 13-6 RLE is applied to the dictionary-encoded version of a column.
VertiPaq applies RLE also to value-encoded columns. In this case, obviously, the dictionary is missing because the column already contains value-encoded integers.
The factors to consider working with a Tabular model, regarding its compression ratio, are, in order of importance:
- The cardinality of the column, which defines the number of bits used to store a value.
- The number of repetitions, that is, the distribution of data in a column. A column with many repeated values will be compressed more than a column with very frequently changing ones.
- The number of rows in the table.
- The datatype of the column (it affects only the dictionary size).
Given all these considerations, you can see that it is nearly impossible to predict the compression ratio of a table. Moreover, while you have full control over some aspects of a table (you can limit the number of rows and change the datatypes), they are the least important ones. Yet as you will learn in the next chapter, you can work on cardinality and repetitions too, to improve the performance of a model.
Finally, it is worth noting that if you reduce the cardinality of a column, you are also increasing the chances of repetitions. For example, if you store a time column at the second granularity, then you have up to 86,400 distinct values in the column. If, on the other hand, you store the same time column at the hour granularity, then you have not only reduced the cardinality, but you have also introduced repeating values (3.600 seconds converts to the same hour), resulting in a much better compression ratio. However, changing the datatype from DateTime to Integer or also String has an irrelevant impact on the column size.
Understanding re-encoding
SSAS has to decide which algorithm to use in order to encode each column. Specifically, it needs to decide whether to use value or dictionary encoding. In reality, the patented algorithms used by SSAS are much more complex and this description is a simplification of them, yet it is enough to get a solid understanding. Anyway, how does SSAS choose the best way to compress a column? It reads a sample of rows during the first scan of the source and, depending on the values found, it chooses an algorithm.
- If the datatype of the column is not integer, then the choice is straightforward: it goes for dictionary encoding.
For integer values, it uses some heuristics, for example:
- If the numbers in the column increase linearly, it is probably a primary key, and value encoding is the best option.
- If all numbers are in a defined range of values, then value encoding is the way to go.
- If the numbers are in a very wide range of values, with values very different from another, then dictionary encoding is the best choice.
Once the decision is made, SSAS starts to compress the column using the chosen algorithm. Unfortunately, it might have made the wrong decision and discover it only very late during processing. For example, SSAS might read a few million rows where the values are in the range 100–201, so that value encoding is the best choice. After those millions of rows, suddenly an outlier appears, such as a large number like 60,000,000. Obviously, the choice was wrong because the number of bits needed to store such a large number is huge. What to do then? Instead of continuing with the wrong choice, SSAS can decide to re-encode the column. This means that the whole column is re-encoded using, in this case, dictionary encoding. This process might last for a long time, because it needs to reprocess the whole column.
For very large datasets, where processing time is important, a best practice is to provide to SSAS a good sample of data distribution in the first set of rows it reads, to reduce re-encoding to a minimum. You do so by providing a good sample in the first partition processed.
Finding the best sort order
As we already said in the previous pages, RLE’s efficiency strongly depends on the sort order of the table. Obviously, all the columns in the same table are sorted in the same way because, at some point during the querying, VertiPaq might have to match different columns for the same row. So in large tables it could be important to determine the best sorting of your data to improve efficiency of RLE and reduce the memory footprint of your model.
When SSAS reads your table, it tries different sort orders to improve the compression. In a table with many columns, this is a very expensive operation. SSAS then sets an upper limit to the time it can spend finding the best sort order. The default can change with different versions of the engine, currently it is 10 seconds per million rows. You can modify its value in the ProcessingTimeboxSecPerMRow entry in the configuration file of the SSAS service. If using Power Pivot, you cannot change this value.
In order to obtain the maximum compression, you can set the value to 0, which means SSAS stops searching only when it finds the best compression factor. The benefit in terms of space usage and query speed can be very high but, at the same time, processing will take much longer.
Generally, you should try to put the least changing columns first in the sort order, because they are likely to generate many repeating values. Keep in mind, anyway, that finding the best sort order is a very complex task, and it makes sense to spend time on it only when your data model is really a large one (in the order of a few billion rows). Otherwise, the benefit you get from these extreme optimizations is limited.
Once all the columns are compressed, SSAS completes the processing by building calculated columns, hierarchies, and relationships. Hierarchies and relationships are additional data structures needed by VertiPaq to execute queries, whereas calculated columns are added to the model by using DAX expressions.
Calculated columns, like all other columns, are compressed after they are computed. Nevertheless, they are not exactly the same as standard columns. In fact, they are compressed during the final stage of processing, when all the other columns have already finished their compression. Consequently, VertiPaq does not consider them when choosing the best sort order for your table.
Imagine you create a calculated column that results in a Boolean value. Having only two values, it can be compressed very well (1 bit is enough to store a Boolean value) and it is a very good candidate to be first in the sort order list, so that the table shows first all the TRUE values and later only the FALSE ones. But, being a calculated column, the sort order is already defined and it might be the case that, with the defined sort order, the column frequently changes its value. In such a case, the column results in less-than-optimal compression.
Whenever you have the chance to compute a column in DAX or in SQL, keep in mind that computing it in SQL results in slightly better compression. Obviously, many other factors may drive you to choose DAX instead of SQL to calculate the column. For example, the engine automatically computes a calculated column in a large table depending on a column in a small table, whenever such a small table has a partial or full refresh. This happens without having to reprocess the entire large table, which would be necessary if the computation was in SQL. If you are seeking for optimal compression, this is something you have to consider.
Understanding hierarchies and relationships
As we said in the previous sections, at the end of table processing, SSAS builds two additional data structures: hierarchies and relationships.
Hierarchies are of two types: attribute hierarchies and user hierarchies. They are data structures used to improve performance of MDX queries. Because DAX does not have the concept of hierarchy in the language, hierarchies are not interesting for the topics of this book.
Relationships, on the other hand, play an important role in the VertiPaq engine and, for some extreme optimizations, it is important to understand how they work. Later in this chapter, we will cover the role of relationships in a query. Here we are only interested in defining what relationships are, in terms of VertiPaq.
A relationship is a data structure that maps IDs in one table to row numbers in another table. For example, consider the columns ProductKey in Sales and ProductKey in Products, used to build a relationship between the two tables. Product[ProductKey] is a primary key. You know that it used value encoding and no compression at all, because RLE could not reduce the size of a column without duplicated values. On the other end, Sales[ProductKey] is likely dictionary encoded and compressed, because it probably contains many repetitions. The data structures of the two columns are completely different.
Moreover, because you created the relationship, VertiPaq knows that you are likely to use it very often, placing a filter on Product and expecting to filter Sales, too. If every time it needs to move a filter from Product to Sales, VertiPaq had to retrieve values of Product[ProductKey], search them in the dictionary of Sales[ProductKey], and finally retrieve the IDs of Sales[ProductKey] to place the filter, then it would result in slow queries.
To improve query performance, VertiPaq stores relationships as pairs of IDs and row numbers. Given the ID of a Sales[ProductKey], it can immediately find the corresponding rows of Product that match the relationship. Relationships are stored in memory, as any other data structure of VertiPaq. In Figure 13-7 you can see how the relationship between Sales and Product is stored.

FIGURE 13-7 The figure shows the relationship between Sales and Product.