Building a Presentation Outline in PowerPoint 2010

  • 5/15/2010

Working with Outline Contents

Once you enter your contents in your outline and demote and promote headings to create an outline structure, you might want to work with the outline contents in various ways. For example, at times you might want to view just the slide titles; at other times, you want to see all the detailed headings. You might also want to move headings around in an outline to reorganize the content.

Finally, text formatting is shown by default in an outline, but you can turn it off and back on easily, which can come in handy as you edit and review your slides.

Expand and Collapse the Outline

  1. Click the Outline tab to display it, and then right-click a slide.

  2. Do either of the following to collapse the outline:

    • Choose Collapse to hide all the subheads for this slide title.

    • Choose Collapse All to hide all the subheads for the presentation.

  3. Do either of the following to expand the outline:

    • Choose Expand to display all the subheads for this slide title.

    • Choose Expand All to display all subheads in the presentation.


Move Slides or Text Up and Down in an Outline

  1. Right-click the line of text or right-click and drag to select multiple lines of text that you want to move.

  2. Choose Move Up or Move Down from the shortcut menu. The selected line or lines move one line up or down together.

  3. To move an entire slide, you can drag the slide icon to a new position in the outline. A line appears, indicating the position of the text as you drag.


Turn Formatting On and Off in an Outline

  1. Right-click anywhere in the Outline tab.

  2. Choose Show Text Formatting from the shortcut menu.

  3. To return text to the way it was, right-click in the Outline tab and choose Show Text Formatting again.


Insert a Word Outline into PowerPoint

  1. Choose New from the File menu; click Blank Presentation and then click the Create button.

  2. If necessary, add the Slides From Outline button to the Quick Access Toolbar (click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar button, choose More Commands, click Slides From Outline, click Add, and then click OK) and then click it.

  3. In the Insert Outline dialog box, locate the Word document you want to use, and click Open. The outline content appears as slides in the blank presentation.
