Carl Siechert

Carl Siechert began his writing career at age eight as editor of the Mesita Road News, a neighborhood newsletter that reached a peak worldwide circulation of 43 during its eight-year run. Following several years as an estimator and production manager in a commercial printing business, Carl returned to writing with the formation of Siechert & Wood Professional Documentation, a Pasadena, California, firm that specializes in writing and producing product documentation for the personal computer industry. Carl is a coauthor of more than 20 books, covering operating systems from MS-DOS 3.0 to Windows 10 and productivity applications from Microsoft Works 3 to Office 2013. In a convergence of new and old technology, Carl’s company now operates a popular website for hobby machinists, Carl hiked the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada in 1977 and would rather be hiking right now. He and his wife, Jan, live in Southern California.