Advanced Diagnostic Tools in Windows 7

  • 10/25/2010

System Information

If you need to provide a third party with information about your PC, including data on Windows, your hardware, and your installed software, the System Information tool, shown in Figure 14-10, is the place to find it.

Figure 14-10

Figure 14-10 System Information tool

The system information is divided into three sections.

  • Hardware Resources Contains information about hardware conflicts, IRQs (interrupt requests), memory allocations, and so on.

  • Components Includes information about the hardware attached to your PC, with a separate section, Problem Devices, for devices that Windows 7 has identified as problematic.

  • Software Environment Includes information about everything from installed software and drivers to startup programs and recent Windows error reporting.

To export any or all of the data from the System Summary as a text file that can be read on any computer, go to File\Export, name the text file, and save it.